Positions and Projects

University of Utah Positions

Find a full list of active employment opportunities here!

Assistant or Associate Professor, Biostatistics

The Division of Biostatistics in the Department of Population Health Sciences (PHS) at the University of Utah School of Medicine has openings for Assistant or Associate Professor-level faculty. We are looking for candidates who will collaborate with biomedical researchers, support and develop grant proposals, teach in the Ph.D. Biostatistics program, advise graduate students, and perform methodological research. We are particularly interested in candidates who possess the research skills and experience required to successfully become leaders in multi-disciplinary research teams within the institution and in national and international research networks as well as pursue independent and collaborative methodological research in Biostatistics.

External Opportunities

Cluster Hire in AI for Community Health: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

UIUC is hiring 4 tenure-track faculty at all levels in the area of “AI for Community Health” which includes mHealth, Health AI, Public Health, and related topics. This is the first of several investments UIUC will be making to grow computational health research with a focus on the individual and community aspects, and our interests are broad. Interested candidates can reach out to Jim Rehg at jrehg@illinois.edu for further information.

Student and Post-doctoral Opportunities

S. Scott Collis Fellowship in Data Science

The S. Scott Collis Fellowship in Data Science seeks applicants with a demonstrated background and interest in the interdisciplinary domain of data science to include mathematics, computer science, artificial intelligence, statistics, computer engineering, and related areas. Collis Data Science Fellows work at the junction of cutting-edge data science techniques and Sandia’s national security mission and application space.

Seeking a Position, Collaboration, or Project

No active posts.

If you are looking to fill a position or seeking a specific collaborator, contact Penny Atkins with a brief statement of either your open position or project or your strengths and interests if seeking a position or project.